
Bos Swallet - Wed 11 May 2022

Ian Tiley, Lawrence Wilson, Peter Hall, Richard Nurse

Met at 7:45 outside the UBSS hut, this is one of the least visited caves of Burrington so the first 5 minutes where taken clearing sticks and other debris from the entrance. From here a wriggle gave way to a narrow, steep bedding plane, covered in compost that seemed to be an ideal habitat for cave spiders. Thankfully the aptly named Disappointment Chamber was soon reached before another tight tube found us at the head of the first pitch which drops into another chamber with the caves only decoration.

A pleasantly clean and not tight phreatic tube lead to a tight squeeze at the head of the second pitch. Once all down we had a look at the bottom of the cave on the left and climbed an aven on the right noting how fresh the air was with lots of draughty cracks.

The journey out was pretty tough with little room to get up the ladders and all the tight bits harder climbing up than sliding on the way down.

Emerged filthy and picking spiders off at 9:30. On the walk back Richard and Pete had a quick look down Rods Pot. A pleasant pint was enjoyed at the Crown afterwards.

An unremarkable cave that what it lacks in pleasant bits is more than made up for in the absence of interest! On the plus side has plenty of untapped digs that, judging by the draughts, could extend the cave considerably.

— Lawrence