GB - Wed 23 Nov 2022

Lawrence Wilson, Peter Sanders, Yvette Jordan

Jenna and Kieran

Met at 19:30 in a cold gateway with impressive lightning going off in the distance, after changing we walked across the wet field to the entrance.

As soon as we were inside we started to warm up and descended steeply down past a few Lesser Horseshoe bats then through the squeeze into Mud Passage before entering the Gorge which had a good size stream flowing, which we followed all the way to the top of the taped off waterfall, various ooos and aaghs at the size of Main Chamber.

Having walked back up we crossed the bridge and admired the helictites before going into White Passage, the Loop and Oxbow to regain the stream way, the terminal sump was quite backed up with a froth line up to the foot of the ladder dig climb, presumably from last Wednesday’s rain.

Having had a look at the bottom of the waterfall we went back up the oxbow before having a sit down at the Hall overlooking Main Chamber then back up the terrace before retracing our inbound route emerging at 21:30 into the cool with thunderclaps going off all around us, managed to get changed before the rain started on the drive to the Woodborough.

As ever a fantastic cave that was enjoyed by all, particularly Jenna and Kieran who we warned not to get used to such big spaces!


— Lawrence Wilson 24/11/2022