Who's Who

Cheddar Caving Club

Club History And Who We Are

Club History

Club Photo in 2008 on the 10th Anniversary Cheddar Caving Club was formed in 1998 by nine local cavers who had been thinking of joining a club and were astonished to find that, despite its famous Showcaves, Cheddar had never had a caving organization of any sort! This seemed reason enough in itself to start one and a constitution was duly drawn up and committee positions filled.

Since then we have expanded slowly but surely and we currently have around 40 members ranging from novices and occasional cavers to the very experienced and fanatical. Here are some of the characters you may chance across, but, be warned, not everything you read may be true!

Who We Are

Chris CastleChris Castle - President

Andy SparrowAndy Sparrow - Chairman

Steph Tidey - Secretary

Max Fisher - Treasurer & Membership Secretary

Peter SandersPeter Sanders - Equipment Officer

David CookeDavid Cooke - Webmaster & CSCC Rep.

Seán Tidey - New Member Co-ordinator

Stu Lindsay - Journal Editor

Ian BurtonIan Burton - Training Officer

Judi DurberJudi Durber CCC Ltd Rep.

Emma GisborneEmma Gisborne - MCR Rep.

Vacant - Trips Coordinator

Ordinary Member No. 1 - Will Sampson

Ordinary Member No. 2 - Lawrence Wilson