
Cheddar Caving Club There are many organisations which cover a staggering array of cave related topics and just a few of those relevant to the Club caver are listed below. If you want to know any more about specific aspects of Cheddar Caving Club you can contact the club officers through the relevant links.

Club Secretary - Email the club Secretary for applications, official enquiries and anything administrative.

Club New Member Co-ordinator - Email the club Member Co-ordinator to enquire about joining and to organise to attend our club trips.

Club Training Officer - Email the club Training Officer to book a session (members only).

Club Tackle Officer - Email the Tackle Officer to reserve kit (members only) or to request Charterhouse Caving Company cave access keys (authorised users only) - The best Caving-Climbing Supply Shop in Mendip.

Unit 13, Wessex Business, Cheddar BS27 3EJ.

Shop opening is by arrangement only (we no longer have fixed opening hours on Saturdays).
We can open to suit you! When do you want to come? Saturday evening? Sunday morning? During the week?

Please call us on 01934 741623 or email us - the more notice you can give us, the more likely we can accommodate you.

Wikepedia/caving - An overview of caving facts. - Darren Thompson, member and blogger.

Hidden Earth - Hidden Earth is the UK's annual caving conference, hosted by the British Cave Research Association and the British Caving Association for the benefit of all cavers.

CSCC - Website of the Council of Southern Caving Clubs featuring up-to-date info on access arrangements for Mendip caves.

BCA - British Caving Association, the UK caving's national body.

MCRA - Mendip Cave Registry and Archive, a treasure trove on information on caving in and around the Mendip Hills. - Robin Gray, member and artist. - Outdoor activities and team events. - This site contains information on all caves in the United Kingdom and the Republic Of Ireland that are either at least one kilometre long or at least sixty metres deep. The caves can be viewed by country, region, or all together, showing either the list of longest caves, or the list of deepest caves. - Run by the publishers of Descent magazine, this site has extensive information on all aspects of caving.

Cheddar Show Caves - A major tourist attraction for over 200 years, with plenty to do above and below ground. - UK Caving Forum and Wiki.

Cheddar Village and Gorge - Local information about Cheddar.

Back issue of Chcc Journal - The last issues of the Journal.

Last modified: 10 Nov 2024 20:23